Linear motion products  combine the knowledge and efforts of linear drive systems (ball and roller screws) and linear guides and tables. 

Linear drive systems typically use screws to transfer rotary into linear movements. This requirement is well achieved by our high efficiency driving products: miniature and large rolled ball screws, ground ball screws as well as different variations of roller screws. 

The second part of Linear Motion are linear guides and tables. The key know-how here is to find the most suitable guiding solution providing the needed accuracy, stiffness and positioning at the appropriate cost. 

SelectInquiryTypeMounting Dimensions Block Dimensions Rail Size Max.length Of rail LomaxLoad capacity Weight
Height(H)EW2Width(W)Length(L)Mounting tab hole(B×J)Mounting tab hole(M×L)L1J1KTNipple Mounting HoleNipple(T1)Nipple(N)Width(W1)Height(H1)Pitch(F)Bolt Hole(d×D×h)GDynamic C(kgf)Sationary Co(kgf)Stationary moment(kgf.M) MROStationary moment(kgf.M) MPOStationary moment(kgf.M) MRObearing (kgf)rail (kgf/M)
SBG15FL 24 3 16 47 56.5 38*30 M5*11 38.8 4.4 21 7.2 3hole 4.25 5.5 15 15 60 4.5*7.5*5.3 20 1600 850 1370 7 5 5 0.12 1.5
SBG20FL 30 3.6 21.5 63 74 53*40 M6*10 50.8 5.4 26.5 9 M6*0.75 4.45 12 20 17.5 60 6*9.5*8.5 20 3040 1400 2420 22 18 18 0.3 2.16
SBG2SFL 36 5.2 23.5 70 83 57*45 M8*16 59.5 7.25 31.5 10 M6*0.75 5.95 12 23 21.8 60 7*ll*9 20 4480 2030 3500 36 32 31 0.46 3.14
SBG30FL 42 5.5 31 90 98 72*52 M10*18 70.4 9.6 36.5 12 M6*0.75 8.5 12 28 25 80 9*14*12 20 4440 2855 4770 50 36 36 0.82 4.5
SBG35FL 48 7.5 33 100 109.5 82*62 M10*20 80.4 9.2 40.5 13 M6*0.75 9.5 12 34 29 80 9*14*12 20 4440 3800 6230 96 75 75 1.22 6.3
SBG45FL 60 8 37.5 120 139 100*80 M12*24 98 9 52 15 PT1/8 10.5 16 45 38 105 14*20*17 22.5 4450 6120 9750 216 170 168 2.02 10.9
SBG55FL 70 10.5 43.5 140 163 116*95 M14*28 118 11.5 59.5 17 PT1/8 12 16 53 45 120 16*23.20 30 4480 9020 13970 367 293 288 4.5 14.9
SBG65FL 90 17.5 53.5 170 186 142*110 M16*24 147 18.5 72.5 23 PT1/8 15 16 63 58.5 150 18*26*22 35 4390 14380 21900 629 493 484 6.24 21.3
SBG15SL 28 3 9.5 34 56.5 26*26 M4*5 38.8 6.4 25 6 3hole 8.25 5.5 15 15 60 45*7.5*5.3 20 1600 840 1370 7 5 5 0.14 1.5
SBG20SL 30 3.6 12 44 74 32*36 M5*6 50.8 7.4 26.5 8 M6*0.75 4.45 12 20 17.5 60 6*9.5*8.5 20 3040 1400 2420 22 18 18 0.36 2.16
SBG25SL 40 5.2 12.5 48 83 35*35 M6*8 59.5 12.25 35.5 8 M6*0.75 9.95 12 23 21.8 60 7*11*9 20 4480 2020 3500 36 32 31 0.44 3.14
SBG30SL 45 5.5 16 60 98 40*40 M8*l0 70.4 15.2 39.5 8 M6*0.75 11.5 12 28 25 80 9*14*12 20 4440 2360 3970 50 36 36 0.72 4.5
SBG35SL 55 7.5 18 70 109.5 50*50 M8*l2 80.4 15.2 47.5 10 M6*0.75 16.5 12 34 29 80 9*14*12 20 4440 3800 6230 96 75 73 1.14 6.3
SBG45SL 70 8 20.5 86 139 60*60 M10*17 98 19 62 15 PT1/8 20.5 16 45 38 105 14*20*17 22.5 4450 6120 9750 216 170 168 2 10.9
SBG55SL 80 10.5 23.5 100 163 75*75 M12*l8 118 21.5 69.5 18 PT1/8 22 16 53 45 120 16*23*20 30 4480 9020 13970 367 293 288 4.2 14.9
SBG65SL 90 17.5 31.5 126 186 76*70 M16*20 147 38.5 72.5 23 PT1/8 15 16 63 58.5 150 18*26*22 35 4390 14380 21900 629 495 484 6.15 21.3